A question for Sametime 7.5.x customers
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A simple question really, has anyone had any success with the Sametime 7.5.x Office integration. I've tried the sametime751_OI_setup.bat file installation 3 times this morning with Office 2003 and none of the installs enabled smarttags in the Office apps, and no ST menu bar appears. Has anyone had better luck than me?

A simple question really, has anyone had any success with the Sametime 7.5.x Office integration. I've tried the sametime751_OI_setup.bat file installation 3 times this morning with Office 2003 and none of the installs enabled smarttags in the Office apps, and no ST menu bar appears. Has anyone had better luck than me?

I also know there were some updates made with CF1, if you haven't tried that yet.
Posted by Adam Gartenberg At 01:55:13 PM On 08/09/2007 | - Website - |
Posted by Carl Tyler At 02:01:21 PM On 08/09/2007 | - Website - |
Carl, hand me a paddle, we're in the same boat.
Posted by Glen At 02:09:27 PM On 08/09/2007 | - Website - |
Posted by Pete Brown At 07:30:51 PM On 08/09/2007 | - Website - |
In Office 2003 our menu contributions work very consistently. We have a known issue that causes our action to fail in some Office XP deployments (which will be fixed in next release).
The menu bar appears in Outlook only for 7.5.1. A second, smaller bar will be added to Word etc in next release.
Chris from the Sametime OI team
Opinions are mine not IBM's, info is As-Is, no rights conferred.
Posted by Chris Karle At 10:54:08 AM On 08/10/2007 | - Website - |
I just had it work in Word, by adding the person smart tag. Now there isn't a person recognizer for Excel, so does that mean no Sametime integration for Excel, or do I need to use the Outlook or Notes person recognizer for that feature?
In the slideware shown by IBMers pre Sametime 7.5 launch, they said you would be able to start an Instant Meeting etc. from here, I cannot find that feature? Did it not make it?
Posted by Carl Tyler At 11:34:43 AM On 08/10/2007 | - Website - |